10/17/2022 / By S.D. Wells
In a more-than-obvious attempt to cover up all Covid vaccine carnage, while pushing over 270 million Americans to get jabbed for the Wuhan “gain of function” virus jabs, the US government succeeded in paying out less than one penny, exactly nothing, during the entire year of 2021, for all the damage and deaths caused by the spike protein injections. Not one penny was paid out for blood clots, myocarditis, heart attacks, or strokes caused by the Fauci Flu shots in 2021.
Every vaccine-induced tragedy was blamed on anything else, including cold showers and referee whistles for athletes, or sudden adult death syndrome (SADS) for perfectly healthy military members and pilots, and the mass media played along with the cover-up 100 percent of the time. Even hospitals, doctors, and nurses were in on the cover-up scam.
From the statistics and the data, it’s more than obvious that the US government always protects the vaccine industry and couldn’t care less about the vaccine injured masses. What’s worse is that the government agencies responsible are all part of the executive branch of our federal government, and Biden’s regime has made no indication of changing this dire situation.
The US federal government set up a special vaccine fund for settling Covid jab injuries, called the CICP (Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program), where one claimant could receive as much as $379,000 if they could “prove” that’s where the injury came from. The problem is that the strange, rubbery, super-long, nano-structure clots that the Covid shots cause to form in the vascular system do not exactly happen ‘overnight,’ and there’s not one medical doctor in the USA who has seen these types of deadly clots before, so there’s that major obstacle to overcome in order to get justified compensation.
The highly corrupt US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) still reported 53 deaths and a total of 1,357 claims filed that alleged injuries or death from the Covid jabs, yet not one penny was paid out to anyone for that entire year. Of course, independent journalists and investigative reporters found out there were at least ten times (if not a hundred times) that many injuries and deaths, and plenty more reported to VAERS, but still, nothing paid. Maybe by paying out anything to anyone, it would create a domino effect, and deter other vaccine ‘skeptics’ from getting shot up with billions of deadly spike proteins. That is the most likely reason for ZERO payouts.
The vaccine industrial complex (VIC) in the USA is a trifecta organization of the CDC, the FDA, and Congress. They are all in bed with Big Pharma to protect the vaccine industry while all the top players pocket millions of dollars for their commitment. To prepare for the onslaught of claims they knew would come from the clot shot victims across the country, the Covid fund had major disclaimers in place.
First, to deter any attorneys from taking these cases for victims, there would be ZERO attorney fee compensation. Next, a Covid jab-injured or killed child, baby, or baby-in-the-womb, would only get reimbursement funds for “reasonable medical expenses.”
Also, other vaccine injury funds allow a three year window for claims, but Fauci Flu jab injury and death claims have only 12 months to file. That means the victims of long-term health detriment caused by these horrific spike protein injections, including mRNA death jabs, have no grounds for compensation at all. And the evil conspiring by the VIC worked. HHS even stated online on October 1, 2021 that they had … “not compensated any Covid-19 countermeasure claims.”
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Tagged Under:
accountability, big government, Big Pharma, Collusion, conspiracy, corruption, covid vaccine, debt bomb, deception, fauci flu, flu jab, flu shot, government debt, health freedom, mRNA, pharmaceutical fraud, science deception, vaccine damage, Vaccine deaths, Vaccine injuries, vaccine injury compensation, vaccine settlements, vaccines, vax death
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