11/24/2020 / By Ethan Huff
Right on cue, alternative media outlets like Breitbart News that support President Trump are singing the praises of Big Pharma’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, which have no corresponding science to prove that they are safe or effective.
Just because Moderna is reporting that its vaccine candidate was “94.5% effective in clinical trials” does not mean that this is actually the case. And yet Breitbart is reporting the “good news” as if it is gospel truth, simply because it serves as “an affirmation of President Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed.”
Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech are reporting much the same thing about their vaccine candidate, which is supposedly “90% effective” at doing something that Big Pharma contends will help to stop the spread of COVID-19.
Breitbart reported that this bit of news was “unexpected,” and just so happened to piggyback on Moderna’s news. Together, the three companies will soon be manufacturing Covid-19 vaccines for all, which Trump has indicated will be “powerfully delivered” by the military in the coming months.
“The results for both vaccines come from interim analyses of large clinical trials,” reported NPR, which was heavily cited by Breitbart in its announcement about the results.
“In the Moderna study there were 30,000 volunteers. Half got two doses of the vaccine 28 days apart, half got two shots of a placebo on the same schedule.”
Both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccine are made with messenger RNA (mRNA) technology, by the way, which if you are unfamiliar with it is a type of “genetic” vaccine that is supposedly capable of programming the human body to kill off pathogens.
Of course, mRNA technology is unproven and likely comes with horrific side effects, both acute and long-term. Nobody really knows for sure, and yet thanks to Operation Warp Speed, mRNA vaccines are being rushed to market under emergency authorization in response to the plandemic.
At no point in Breitbart‘s reporting is the suggestion made that COVID-19 vaccines might come with risks. Instead, readers are led to the conclusion that because Trump is behind the initiative it must be safe and effective.
This is a dangerous approach to take, especially since we have yet to find a single vaccine out there that is 100 percent safe and effective. Most of them are actually unsafe and ineffective, it turns out.
Fox News was caught pushing MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccines with much the same flippancy a few years back, except in that case the reporting actually went so far as to vilify those who question the jab.
While we hope that Breitbart will not do the same once the first rounds of COVID-19 vaccines become available, chances are that right-wing media outlets everywhere will push people to get vaccinated in order to end the plandemic.
Natural News will never do this, just to be clear. But many of our competitors likely will, so beware. The plan is to convince all Americans to get jabbed in order to end the lockdowns and return back to “normal, but do not be fooled: No COVID-19 vaccine, no matter what the media claims, is safe or effective.
“I’ll pass on the death serum,” wrote one Breitbart commenter. “My immune system is there for a reason.”
“I’ve been taking zinc, vitamin D, and vitamin C every day to strengthen my immune system so that I stay healthy. Moderna is the company that Fauci and Gates are invested in heavily.”
More of the latest news about the coronavirus is available at Pandemic.news.
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Breitbart News, conservative media, fake news, health freedom, independent media, Moderna, propaganda, vaccine propaganda, vaccines
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